Monday, March 2, 2009

Blind in Besthaida

I have been thinking about vision and focus for most of my life. I have over 20 years in optics and know the functions of light and lens. For the past 11 years I have been helping people through Touched Twice United. It is a movement based on how Jesus helped the blind man from Bethsaida in Mark 8. 

Here some people believe that Jesus has the power to heal. Heal blind eyes and broken lives. 
Some people think that Jesus has the power to fix the unfixable.  Some people believe. 
As I sit here today it seems as if the majority of people believe that the government has that power. I feel as we are no longer slipping away, but we are running. 

I once was blind. I was unable to see as my lens for viewing the world was just that, mine.  I was singularly concerned about me. I would see people bent and distorted just as I was. I would project my bent everywhere I looked and then was affirmed based on my blindness. I found myself helpless and hopeless. I was facing the loss of my father, the loss of a marriage and the loss of my perception of control. I was lost in my blindness and desperate for help.

I found myself powerless to change the things that were broken. All the world views I had found were equally without power. I discovered that there was a way of looking at the world that changed my hopelessness and gave me access to more power than I could hope for or imagine. I once was blind and now I see...

Instead of changing your location, exchange lens through witch you see. Instead of the opaque choose the translucent. Instead of dark shields choose full spectrum. Open your eyes to the projection that is coming from with in. 

Ultimately our illusion is that we have control of anything other than ourselves. We can influence the world. We can modify behaviors, but we need to be transformed from the inside out. When we see that we are powerless to control things outside of ourselves, then we are free to live the lives we dream of. When we are willing to surrender our perspectives, we can gain pure clarity. 

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